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Welkom bij PalaMOUNTAINS

  • Gegarandeerde opname van 99,5%

  • Dagelijkse toevoeging aan het huidige dieet

  • De vloeibare formule verbeterd het immuunsysteem 

Welcome to Palamountains NL - Scientific Animal Nutrition

Na jarenlang onderzoek op de gerenommeerde Massey University in Nieuw-Zeeland is palaMOUNTAINS® ontwikkeld. Het is ‘werelds eerste’ vloeibare multivitaminen & mineralen supplement met een buitengewoon opnamepercentage. Deze unieke gepatenteerde formule biedt namelijk een absorptie van 99,5%. PalaMOUNTAINS® is bekend geworden vanwege zijn kwaliteit producten voor een breed scala aan diersoorten. De producten zijn ontwikkeld om de algemene gezondheid en het welzijn te verbeteren.

Bij PalaMOUNTAINS® zijn wij ervan overtuigd dat ieder (sport)dier de juiste voeding en supplementen hoort binnen te krijgen. Met ons brede assortiment bieden wij voor iedere behoefte een passend product. Wil je dus de juiste supplementen aan je hond, kat, paard of duif geven? Dan helpt PalaMOUNTAINS® je!


Versterkt het immuunsysteem


Bevat vitamines, mineralen en essentiële vetzuren


Verbetert darmflora en spijsvertering




Gegarandeerde opname van 99%


Verbetert de 
vachtconditie en minder haaruitval

Onze producten

Sporthond Palamountains Exceed


Sport- en werkhonden

Exceed is het 100% natuurlijke vloeibare voedingssuppelement. Het verbetert de conditie, het herstel en zorgt voor

meer focus bij sport- en werkhonden.

Sporthond Palamountains Exceed


Hond & kat

Mybeau bevat alle essentiële voedingsstoffen voor een optimale gezondheid. De vloeibare formulering voeg je toe aan het huidige dieet. 

Equine Palamountains paard



Equine is een speciaal ontworpen voedingssupplement voor paarden. Bevat alle nodige vitaminen en mineralen voor jouw paard.

Palamountains Animal Care

Animal care

Premium dierenverzorging

Animal Wash bevat Citronella, dat wordt beschouwd als een natuurlijke insecten en vliegen afweermiddel. Daarnaast is er ook een unieke vachtversterker toegevoegd.

Pigeon express palamountains

Pigeon Express


Pigeon Express bevat alle nodige voedingsstoffen ter ondersteuning van vogels. Beschikbaar voor duiven, falen en Avian.

Wat zeggen blije baasjes? 

Sarah - Geeft de Equine Pre-Boost

Ik merk dat Indy na zware inspanning sneller hersteld en zie dat zelfs terug in de resultaten van de herstel training. Overduidelijk waarom de Pre-Boost nu bovenaan mijn paklijst voor de wedstrijden staat. 

The story behind

"Palamountain's unique patented oil emulsion will greatly help and increase the welfare level of your animals." Professor Brain Wilkinson - Massy University, New Zealand

Established as innovators in the animal supplement industry, PalaMOUNTAINS offers you a unique range of oil-based products designed to improve the overall health of your animals.

"palaMOUNTAINS unique patented oil emulsion will greatly help and increase the production of your animals."

Professor Brian Wilkinson - Massey University, New Zealand

Professor Brian Wilkinson - Massey University “Animal nutrition is much like a 'production line' in the slaughterhouses, where there are many processing lines with workers at different stages along each process line doing things with the carcass to first remove the coat, viscera, etc. and later break the carcass into cuts.


The animal's digestive system is similar when there is a series of bacteria and enzymes (process workers) that break down the food it has eaten and then process lines in the body to use the absorbed nutrients and muscle, fat, bone, wool, etc. build. The effectiveness of the bacteria and enzymes in the intestines and body strongly depends on what the animal is feeding. The speed at which the bacteria and enzymes can work varies from slow to flat and it all depends on whether they are fed the right balance of nutrients.


We can give them the feeling (the digestive system) to work more efficiently by providing them with important nutrients (palaMOUNTAINS Revive etc.), so that they are able to work at maximum capacity.


However, the rate of actual work depends on how much of the correct food the animal is ingesting, which in turn affects the weight of the animals, which in turn affects the quality of their overall production, ie type of weight gain, health, wool growth etc.


Whether the animal gets heavier depends entirely on the quality and amount of food the animal receives; so palaMOUNTAINS Revive etc. not only contributes to weight gain, but helps and promotes the speed at which the digestive system can work. Total animal production requires that the animal eats enough of the right food and gets the right nutrients every day; a shortage of food or nutrients for an extended period of time will result in weak production.

palaMOUNTAINS unique patented oil emulsion with an absorption level of 99.5% will greatly help and increase the production of your animals. ”

The Palamountains range is known for its quality products and product lines for a wide range of animal species.

There are products for:

Team Palamountains Scientific animal nutrition

Established as innovators in the animal supplement industry, PalaMOUNTAINS offers you a unique range of oil-based products designed to improve the overall health of your animals.

"palaMOUNTAINS unique patented oil emulsion will greatly help and increase the production of your animals."

Professor Brian Wilkinson - Massey University, New Zealand

Professor Brian Wilkinson - Massey University “Animal nutrition is much like a 'production line' in the slaughterhouses, where there are many processing lines with workers at different stages along each process line doing things with the carcass to first remove the coat, viscera, etc. and later break the carcass into cuts.


The animal's digestive system is similar when there is a series of bacteria and enzymes (process workers) that break down the food it has eaten and then process lines in the body to use the absorbed nutrients and muscle, fat, bone, wool, etc. build. The effectiveness of the bacteria and enzymes in the intestines and body strongly depends on what the animal is feeding. The speed at which the bacteria and enzymes can work varies from slow to flat and it all depends on whether they are fed the right balance of nutrients.


We can give them the feeling (the digestive system) to work more efficiently by providing them with important nutrients (palaMOUNTAINS Revive etc.), so that they are able to work at maximum capacity.


However, the rate of actual work depends on how much of the correct food the animal is ingesting, which in turn affects the weight of the animals, which in turn affects the quality of their overall production, ie type of weight gain, health, wool growth etc.


Whether the animal gets heavier depends entirely on the quality and amount of food the animal receives; so palaMOUNTAINS Revive etc. not only contributes to weight gain, but helps and promotes the speed at which the digestive system can work. Total animal production requires that the animal eats enough of the right food and gets the right nutrients every day; a shortage of food or nutrients for an extended period of time will result in weak production.

palaMOUNTAINS unique patented oil emulsion with an absorption level of 99.5% will greatly help and increase the production of your animals. ”

The Palamountains range is known for its quality products and product lines for a wide range of animal species.

There are products for:

Wij zijn Stefan, Ilse en Zohra Donker uit Zevenbergschen Hoek waar we wonen met onze sledehonden. In  2009 kochten we onze eerste sledehond genaamd Jan. Hij is de grondlegger die het verdere team mee heeft opgebouwd.   Beide hadden we al ervaring in de sledehondensport. Zo is Ilse in de sport opgegroeid.  Haar ouders Arie en Hennie Verschoor van de Udaschka Kennel zijn nog steeds actief in de sport.   Stefan is er op latere leeftijd mee begonnen. Het begon met een Alaskan Malamute, hierdoor ontstond de interesse voor de sport. De eerste jaren is hij Handler geweest bij Hans Mast.

Palamountains Benelux

+31 (0)655890818

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