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Palamountains Benelux

Banstraat 23

5506 LA Veldhoven

T : +31 (0)614613733

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Monday to Friday from: 9 am to 6 pm

Saturday: 9:00 am to 2:00 pm

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The team behind Palamountains Benelux

Behind the website Palamountains NL are the companies Tartok Products and Kivo Petfood. This collaboration arose from the bundling of each other's knowledge. Kivo Petfood has been a developer and producer of fresh meat food for dogs and cats for many years. As a producer, Kivo Petfood is always working on quality products and innovations.

Tartok Products is a seller of Exclusive animal products. Part of Tartok Products is the sled dog team Tartok Speed. The sled dog team has been running internationally for years. To keep the dogs at top level, the right food and nutritional supplements are very important.

The combination of knowledge of years of animal feed development and performance on an international level makes this collaboration unique. For example, there is both knowledge and practical experience of the products.

Palamountains NL has innovative products with a focus on: Sport, overall health, recovery and performance improvement.

Wij zijn Stefan, Ilse en Zohra Donker uit Zevenbergschen Hoek waar we wonen met onze sledehonden. In  2009 kochten we onze eerste sledehond genaamd Jan. Hij is de grondlegger die het verdere team mee heeft opgebouwd.   Beide hadden we al ervaring in de sledehondensport. Zo is Ilse in de sport opgegroeid.  Haar ouders Arie en Hennie Verschoor van de Udaschka Kennel zijn nog steeds actief in de sport.   Stefan is er op latere leeftijd mee begonnen. Het begon met een Alaskan Malamute, hierdoor ontstond de interesse voor de sport. De eerste jaren is hij Handler geweest bij Hans Mast.

Behind the website Palamountains NL are the companies Tartok Products and Kivo Petfood. This collaboration arose from the bundling of each other's knowledge. Kivo Petfood has been a developer and producer of fresh meat food for dogs and cats for many years. As a producer, Kivo Petfood is always working on quality products and innovations.

Tartok Products is a seller of Exclusive animal products. Part of Tartok Products is the sled dog team Tartok Speed. The sled dog team has been running internationally for years. To keep the dogs at top level, the right food and nutritional supplements are very important.

The combination of knowledge of years of animal feed development and performance on an international level makes this collaboration unique. For example, there is both knowledge and practical experience of the products.

Palamountains NL has innovative products with a focus on: Sport, overall health, recovery and performance improvement.

Palamountains Benelux

+31 (0)655890818

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